Key Concepts

Brief intro on key concepts

The Commons

Indirect Rule

Manifest destiny

Radical Title

Eminent Domain

White Man's Borders

The Lease

Torrens law system

Papal Bull

Monarchs, feudal and otherwise

Settler Colony

What we mean

Terra nullius

here you provide a brief description of the concept above

The Commons

description of concept 

Indirect Value

description of concept 


description of concept 

Radical Title

description of concept 

Eminent Domain

description of concept 

White Man's Borders

description of concept 

The Lease

description of concept 

Torres Law Ssystem

description of concept 

Papal Bull

description of concept 

Settler colony

description of concept 

Settler Colony

description of concept 

Native Landgrab

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nullam commodo velit ex, non ultrices leo auctor at. 

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